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2022 | Co-Founder

ZAP is a student-run club that aims to foster a creative, multimedia incubator for Media Arts + Practice students. Through community bonding events, and group spearheaded media projects, we hope to build a community of collaboration to inspire the media-making process.

Our Story

In the Media Arts + Practice (MA+P) program, my peers and I recognized an opportunity to create an initiative that would strengthen the program's sense of community. To break the siloing of cohorts by year, my peers and I founded ZAP to provide physical and social space for cross-cohort collaboration.


The coordinators of ZAP (Z-board) strategizes ways to make ZAP a club that pushes for inclusivity and practices horizontal style leadership. With a focus on process, ZAP rethinks barriers and boundaries by continuously seeking ways to build inclusive communities and create projects out of passion instead of "productivity."


Every week ZAP hosts open meetings and events to all MA+P majors and minors. Each semester, Z-board survey's the interest of ZAP members and curates a program of events and projects. In past semesters, ZAP has organized workshops, holiday parties, creative studio time and organized group outings. In Fall 2022, ZAP made an effort to to reach out and collaborate with creative professionals (such as Carrie Chen, Phylizia Carrillo, and Spectra Studios) to host professional workshops for ZAP members.


Fall 2022

After being recognized as an official "Registered Student Organization" in Fall 2022, ZAP hosted their very first 24 Media Festival: ZAPATHON ! Students were given a prompt at the beginning of the festival and challenged to create any media project within 24 hours.


ZAPATHON hosts organized fun surprises, food deliveries and a grand viewing ceremony at the end. The event was a success in challenging student creativity but most importantly allowed students to foster new friendships and work together with new ZAP 

If a Genie...

2022 | Public Art Installation 

The Fall 2022 ZAPATHON prompt was the saying "Don't Spit in the Wind." Thinking about the prompt, I started to wonder about the notion of “impossible” things or wishes. This mural / "public" art installation existed outside of the Media Arts + Practice lounge for 12 hours during the festival and successfully collected 20 answers !!


Spring 2022

With the inception of ZAP in Spring 2022, ZAP took on its first club collaborative zine project: BONDS. The printed zine focuses on the importance of connection to people, places, and self.


For my submission to BONDS, I created a mock ad. Thinking about "BONDS" and the idea of connectivity, travel is one way I found ways to get closer to friends or re-unite with family members. However, the ethics of travel (especially to Hawaiʻi) is something that is often disregarded about. Through this piece, I aim to direct Hawaii tourists to a "responsible tourism" guide linked through the QR code on the left.

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