Our Home
Jan 2022 | 2D Video Animation
To push the audience to consider the concept of "displacement" and how it affects Hawai'i and its people. The animation created in tangent to my 2,750 word academic research on tourism in Hawaiʻi.
“Our Home” is an animation I created in January 2022, to illustrate the patterns of “displacement” I recognized in my home community: HawaiÊ»i. I was inspired to create this piece upon observing the resurgence of tourism after the COVID-19 pandemic. The once empty beaches during quarantine were overrun with mainland tourists and my favorite local food stops started to grow long lines. Post-quarantine life forced myself and many HawaiÊ»i residents to consider who we shared our home with. The simple visualization of displacement was portrayed as an omen to how “displacement” is so deeply entrenched in HawaiÊ»i’s history, people and in daily life.
Read Research Paper HERE